






  • 时间:下午12时至4时.: 强制性的到来 time in order for all Pre-大学 students to attend the required program orientation.
  • 办理登机手续 location is listed in the Mantdatory Online Orientation! 6月初上市. 校园地图及路线
  • At registration, you will receive your ID, your course schedule and class locations.
  • Mandatory program and residence hall orientations will be held on Monday evening. 

请填写 运输形式并在6月1日前返回.

  • For students travelling unaccompanied by parents/guardians, we will make arrangements to pick you up on July 1 from the Albany airport or the 萨拉托加温泉市 bus/train 站. 只在这些地点提供接送服务. 以满足程序的要求 员工们,请在下午三点前到达.m.
  • For students travelling unaccompanied by parents/guardians, we will organize your transportation to the airport/站s listed above on Saturday, August 3; you must 11点前退房.m.

Students will be assigned to a single or double room equipped with a bed, desk, chair 和梳妆台. No bedding will be provided; students must bring their own. Program participants have access to an indoor pool, tennis and racquetball courts 还有健身房和健身房. 的 Murray-Aikins餐厅 has a large assortment of dining options, including vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free 选择. 宿舍内禁止做饭. 公共电脑和打印机是 在校园内提供. 每个宿舍房间都有 无线校园里的许多地方也是如此.

你需要什么?? 装箱单

Available on June 10, 2024 at the 火博体育大学 Bookstore 网站.

小时: 星期一至星期五, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time)
电子邮件: 贝基Mattison 有问题的.

  • We suggest $50 per week, not including cost of books or supplies.
  • 现金可以在您到达时存入您的身份证上. 你的身份证和你的身份证一样有效 meal card, room key and declining balance card for campus purchases. 父母可能会补充说 网上资金通过信用卡就可以了 火博体育卡办公室网站.
  • Students are not able to cash personal checks or travelers checks on campus.
Orientation is essential to every student's success in the program. 作为一个火博体育 Pre-大学 student, you will need to participate in the virtual 大学预科生迎新活动 on theSpring. It is required, but you view it on your own and may complete it at your own pace. To access theSpring, please log in with your Skidmore credentials (username and password) at the link provided in your program Welcome Packet,n click on theSpring tile. 你必须完成所有的部分和简短的测验. 迎新报告持续 约1.5个小时. 它将于6月初上市. All Pre-大学 students are required to complete the virtual Pre-大学 参加项目的定向.

Pre-大学 students are required to attend all class sessions throughout the program. Pre-大学 students are enrolled in 火博体育大学 credit-bearing courses along 与其他本科生和预科生一起. 如果一个学生不能充分 attend their class on the scheduled days and times, student will not be eligible 参加:参加课程或计划. 此出勤政策在 Pre-大学 Consent and Waiver Release form that students and parents/legal guardians 提交项目申请时签名:

出席人数: Except in cases of serious illness, Pre-大学 students are required to attend the Skidmore Summer Session classes for which they are registered. 如果一个学生要 be absent during any of these scheduled classes, student must obtain advance written 教师许可.

You will need to provision (activate) your Skidmore Student Account to access campus 资源.  此步骤将激活您的火博体育电子邮件帐户.  Please have your student ID number to begin the process.  如果你找不到你的 身份证号码,请联系 precollege@火博体育.edu 寻求帮助.

点击 在这里 并按照说明创建您的帐户.  一旦你完成了这个过程 you will be able to access Skidmore’s learning management system Brightspace http://thespring.zizhanggui.com/ 24小时内.

*注意: Once you have created your account, all program information and updates will be sent to your Skidmore email, so you are expected to check it regularly.

点击这里访问邮箱: http://skidmore.okta.com/ `



library provides access to hundreds of databases and online 资源 w在这里 you can 查找文章、书籍、图片和流媒体.

Please contact the Circulation Department if you have any questions:
电子邮件: circ2@火博体育.edu

Skidmore's 它帮助台  is ready to guide you through IT questions or issues.

Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm (Eastern Standard Time)
* 中午十二时至一时休息 


  • 位于露西·斯克里布纳图书馆一楼
  • 电子邮件: helpdesk@火博体育.edu
  • 求助热线:(518)580-5900 (只在办公时间内提供)


的 写作中心 is an ideal place to get help with your papers. 导师/学术 Mentor also offers mentoring sessions to Pre-大学 students, providing general academic support with study skills, time management, problem-solving, test preparation, assignment outlines, and overall adjustment to college-level academics. 这项服务对所有预科生都是免费的.

点击 在这里 安排预约.

We strongly encourage students to take advantage of these academic support services. 的 skills taught will be helpful and applicable to not only our college-level summer courses, but also to high school courses when students return home.

We know it can be challenging to navigate the college search process. 我们的同事 from Skidmore's 招生 Office will present an information session on general college 大学预科学生入学. 研讨会将解释并揭开招生的神秘面纱 process, covering topics such as making the most of your college search, application process, financial aid and scholarships, interviews, and the application review by 大学. We will also discuss college pathways through higher education opportunity 项目.

Skidmore undergraduate students will serve as Pre-大学 宿舍工作人员 this summer to foster a sense of community and enhance the online experience for students.


Effective 截至2023年5月12日, 大学 will no longer require the COVID-19 vaccination for faculty, staff, or students. 然而,学院 highly recommends that all community members receive their vaccinations, including 更新后的 COVID-19年疫苗根据疾病控制与预防中心的建议 个人 卫生保健提供者.