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健康 and Human Physiological Sciences

Student Research Opportunities

Students who wish to gain insight into research in 健康 and Human Physiological Sciences might consider approaching individual faculty members to inquire about current 研究项目. During the academic year, students may enroll in independent study (EX371), after speaking with a faculty member, where students are expected to be involved in conception/design of a project, data collection, data analysis, interpretation, and/or manuscript writing. The level of commitment can range from relatively informal volunteer 经历 to more formal credit bearing independent studies or senior 论文.

During the summer, other opportunities such as the Faculty Student Summer Research Program, which supports students working with faculty over the summer in 5, 8, or 10 week 经历. Interested students should speak with potential faculty to discuss this 进一步的机会.

Often the culminating student research experience is the 毕业论文. Senior 论文 is completed in the spring semester of senior year, but students are strongly encouraged to work with a faculty member well in advance to prepare.

The 健康 and Human Physiological Sciences Department has a strong track record of dissemination of student work. Students have presented statewide at the New York Six Undergraduate Research Conference, regionally at the New England or Greater NY Chapters of the American College of Sports Medicine, Nationally at the Experimental Biology Conference 或者是 American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting. Skidmore provides support for students attending and presenting at these meetings.  Student-faculty collaborative research has often led to publication in peer-reviewed journals, links to examples 下图:

T.H. 雷诺兹的研究