

的 window between the end of high school and the first day of Skidmore can feel like 压力很大,但我们是来帮你的. 在一系列的检查清单和一个运转良好的 process for introducing and orienting your student, know that you're in great hands. Along the way, you may find some of the information and resources below helpful.

看不出你在找什么? 密切关注 我们的常见问题 随时与我们直接联系. 


Onboarding and prep for Skidmore begins in earnest in 五月 and continues throughout 这个夏天. Your student will receive monthly emails with important dates and deadlines. We encourage you to also review the schedule and sign up for the 来自FYE的建议 newsletter. 



呸!咄!检查表 is a tool your student will access via their Oracle account, organized by 注册商. This is where your student will be able to upload important documents and complete 重要的任务. 

Instructions for the Checklist will be emailed to your student's Skidmore email.  If they did not receive this email, please contact our office at fye@zizhanggui.com.

财务处 will contact you directly (via mail) with information about payment plans in 五月. Students and 来自FYE的建议 newsletter subscribers will also receive information in 五月. 的 fall bill is released in mid-July and is due by mid-August. 

Your student must submit their Scribner Seminar Form by 五月 16. 实习将会是 六月宣布的. 

上片 报名时间为6月3日至7月15日. 

Summer Advising takes place throughout the month of June and students will register 6月底的课程. 详细的日期和时间将发给学生 通过电子邮件. 

Health forms are due July 15 and can be submitted at any time before then. 如果你的 学生的我ast physical was on or before August 1, 2023, please make an appointment now to be sure you will be able to complete the required health forms by  July 15. 

Your student's move-in will vary based on the program they're involved in. 请参阅各种迎新活动的时间表.

Early fall athletes will receive instructions from their coaches. 


的 majority of first-year and transfer students will arrive for either 上片 或新生迎新活动. If you student is an early fall athlete, international student, opportunity program student, or 伦敦呸!咄! student, please refer to those offices and resources for separate plans and schedules. 


  • 欢迎来到火博体育! For both major move-in days, you'll arrive in the morning through the front entrance 校园. 
  • Upon arrival, Skidmore staff and volunteers will direct you to various 登记站 你们的最后一站是宿舍楼. 
  • 在你 学生宿舍, staff will help your student check into their room and volunteers will be available 帮他们卸货,搬进去. 


  • 午餐! Skidmore will provide a complementary lunch for all students and families. Details 变化,但你可以期待烧烤和/或野餐. 
  • 道别: 我们知道这是最难的部分. But, during/after lunch is the best time to say goodbye to ensure you have quality time before your student needs to jump into other activities. After this moment, you and your student will have separate programs and schedules.  


  • On Pre-O move-in day, your student will have a strict meeting time to ensure they 到达目的地. 查看Pre-O常见问题解答了解更多细节. 
  • 父母取向: After your student departs, you're invited to the 父母取向 program in the 赞克尔音乐中心. 


  • On NSO move-in day, your student will have a strict time at which they will begin 定向编程. 查看NSO时间表了解更多细节 
  • While your student starts 定向编程, you're invited to attend the 父母取向 program/afternoon programming in the 赞克尔音乐中心. 
  • 总统接见: Families are invited to the home of 火博体育大学 President Marc Conner and Barbara Reyes-Conner for a reception (families only, students are in 定向编程). 


No. Skidmore does not allow any first-year students on campus prior to the start of 他们的程序. 

这取决于你! 的 Parent 定向编程 is the same on both days. 保持 in mind that your student is (intentionally) very busy, all of their meals and social 这两天的工作时间都是预先安排好的. 

You'll have time at drop-off (~ 1 hour) to do some initial tasks, but the priority is to get them in and move right into orientation programming. 他们会有时间 当他们回到自己的房间完成布置时. 

的 FYE team is happy to help direct you to various campus partners, but some frequent 的包括: 

住宅生活 -火博体育房间、室友、打包等问题. 

校园生活与参与 – Questions about 上片, including SCOOP (Skidmore Outdoor 取向 程序).  

Uber and Lyft are the most common options for transportation from the bus station, 机场和火车站. If arriving via Albany Airport or the Albany-Rensselaer Train Station, plan a 45-minute ride and $45-$65 fare.