

你 can make a gift to Skidmore in a variety of ways, including online, over the phone, by mail, or by setting up a planned gift. When you make your gift, you can also choose what your funds will support, whether it's for a particular initiative, current priority, athletics, scholarships, or another designation. If you don't choose a designation, your gift will support the 火博体育基金 and be allocated where the College needs 它最. 

制作礼物 by credit card, ApplePay, PayPal, Venmo, or GooglePay using our online 提供形式. The form also allows you to set up a monthly automatic payment plan by checking the 'recurring' box. It’s quick, easy, and secure.  


给 via check made payable to 火博体育大学 with the intended purpose included in the memo section or accompanying correspondence.  

Checks should be mailed to: 

推进办公室 - North Hall 

Call in your gift using American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa. 你也可以 specify a monthly payment option ($10 minimum). 


To give by wire transfer, please contact Denise Jenks at 518-580-5605 or email djenks@zizhanggui.com

Gifts of securities held by your bank or brokerage or by you offer tax advantages for donors and are easy to make. 你 or your brokerage firm may wire gifts of stock directly into one of Skidmore’s brokerage accounts. For more information, contact Denise Jenks at 518-580-5605 or email djenks@zizhanggui.com.  

DTC: 0015(摩根士丹利) 
火博体育大学 account: 845-106910-405 
Put donor's name in the comment section and send an email to Denise Jenks.

Join Skid4Life, our easy and affordable recurring gift program. 选择把你的 gift into automatic installments (monthly or annually).  


问题? 联系 Emina Acee '19 at 518-580-5659 or eacee@zizhanggui.com.

你 can double or triple your gift if you (or your spouse) work for a company with 配对礼品计划. 请 contact your human resources department for details, or use the directory below to see if your employer offers matches.

If you are 70½ years or older, you can make a gift from your individual retirement account (IRA) to Skidmore without increasing your income. This is known as a Qualified Charitable 分布 or QCD and you can give up to a total of $105,000 per year 这种方式. If you are 73 and older, your gift will count towards your Required Minimum 分布. For married couples, each spouse is permitted to give up to a total of $105,000 per year from their IRA. 

联系 your IRA administrator and ask them to send a check from your IRA payable to 火博体育大学 at this address: 

推进办公室 - North Hall  


Recommending a gift to Skidmore through your donor advised fund (DAF) is easy. 你 can log on to your DAF portal or contact fund administrator to request they make a 以你的名义授予.  
Legal Name: 火博体育大学, Federal Tax Identification Number: 14-1338562

你 can make a lasting and transformative impact on the College through a variety 计划好的礼物. These gifts include a gift from your will or living trust, a beneficiary designation, and a gift that pays you income for the rest of your life. 如果火博体育 is already in your estate plans, there may be a way for you to qualify for a very substantial tax deduction now.   

问题? 联系 the Office of 礼物规划 at 518-580-5655. 


The material presented on this website is not offered as legal or tax advice. 请 consult your tax advisor, financial planner, or attorney about the legal and tax benefits of any gift to 火博体育大学. 

火博体育大学 Tax ID: #14-1338562