校外学习 & 交流



  • 学生学习 on an international, domestic or exchange program will be charged the Skidmore 综合费用 for their semester or year off campus. (注意:火博体育 综合费用 will differ from the fees of the program providers.)此费用为 equal to Skidmore tuition, room at the on campus apartment rate, board if applicable, 强制性的大学学费. 学生 are required to use program arranged room and board where available. Additionally, if provided a housing option, students are encouraged to select a homestay.  学生 desiring an alternative to program housing should consult with an OCSE Program 经理. If the program does not include room and/or board, or only partial board, 综合费用将作相应调整. 学生负责支付费用 any refundable deposits and non-included fees directly on-site or to the program provider.

  • All off-campus study participants will be billed by Skidmore’s Bursar for the Skidmore 综合费用.

  • 学生 should be aware that their program provider’s mandatory course enrollment and maximum credit load for the semester may differ from Skidmore’s 15 semester credit 要求. 学生 should adhere to Skidmore’s 15 credit 要求.  任何学生 seeking an exception to this policy must contact OCSE’s Senior Associate Director.  Occasionally, there have been instances when students must enroll in additional coursework 为了能顺利毕业.  所有超载或欠载都必须经过批准 由OCSE和现场项目提供.  请向高级副主任咨询 这个过程.  Lastly, if a student elects to enroll in courses during his/her off-campus program that have not been approved for academic credit and, therefore, are not transferable to Skidmore, he/she will be responsible for payment of said course fees. 学生 must also obtain OCSE approval prior to enrolling in courses that carry additional 费用或有旅行的组成部分.
  • All students studying on an off-campus program will submit a $500.00退还的 confirmation fee two weeks after receiving approval from the Committee on Academic Standing (CAS) to study off campus; $400 of the deposit will be credited to your Skidmore College account and the remaining $100 constitutes a processing fee.  学生学习 on an Approved Program are responsible for paying any refundable deposits, most commonly 住房押金,直接交给项目提供者.

  • Skidmore will handle payments to the program providers on behalf of students. 然而 some providers will submit invoices directly to students via mail, email or their 专有在线系统. 学生 that receive invoices for 费用 which are covered under Skidmore’s comprehensive 费用必须提交给OCSE付款. Do not disregard invoices that you receive, doing so may jeopardize your enrollment 在程序中.  Additionally, failure to submit the invoices in a timely fashion to OCSE may lead some providers to impose late fees which will be the students’ responsibility.

  • For Skidmore and Approved 项目, Skidmore will cover tuition and mandatory academic fees, room (double occupancy), board if applicable, mandatory medical insurance, and 任何其他强制性项目费用. 学生 are responsible for airfare, on site transportation if not included in the provider’s program fee, books, accommodation upgrades, board where applicable, voluntary field trips and excursions, refundable deposits, and personal 费用. 学生 are also responsible for their housing and board when participating 在不包含这些项的程序中. 比如澳大利亚和美国 王国计划不包括食宿. 然而,参加这些课程的学生 可以选择住在住宿学院吗. 这些类型的住宿可能 provide a board plan, as well as other amenities/housing services. 因为这些类型 of accommodations include services that do not fall within the 综合费用 structure, Skidmore will not cover the additional cost associated with residential colleges. Therefore, students must be aware that they will receive an invoice directly from the provider for a supplemental accommodations fee for this type of housing. 的火博体育 Comprehensive fee will be adjusted accordingly in these cases.
  • Skidmore does not cover the cost of optional study tours/courses unless the student seeks pre-approval from the Director of 校外学习 & 交流.  请联系 了解OCSE申请此例外的过程.

  • 学生 may use financial aid on all Skidmore and International and Domestic Approved 项目. 学生 receiving financial aid should speak with a Financial 援助 representative to review possible aid changes based on increased 费用.

  • 学生 may not participate in programs offered by the same non-Skidmore program 两个学期以上的供应商.  例如,一个学生不允许参加 in three semester-long IFSA-Butler programs during her time at Skidmore.  学生 who participate in Skidmore programs are not limited to the number of semesters they 可以参加任何火博体育项目吗.  注意,火博体育的第一年经验 London is a Skidmore program and does not count toward the number of IES programs 学生可以追求.