学院院长/Vice President for Academic Affairs





President Glotzbach was unable to attend this faculty meeting; therefore, Beau Breslin, 学院院长 and Vice President for Academic Affairs, chaired the meeting.  DOF/VPAA Breslin called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m.


DOF/VPAA Breslin询问是否有任何更正或评论 minutes of the Faculty Meeting held 10月 7, 2016.  Hearing none, he announced the 会议纪要得到批准.


DOF/VPAA Breslin提供了晚些时候举行的董事会会议的最新情况 10月.  The Board received presentations on the changes to the website and financial 2016财年的业绩.  Three of our faculty colleagues, Assistant Professor Cecilia 阿尔达隆多、大卫·维拉教授和助理教授克里斯·曼参与了研究 in a lunchtime plenary session focused on the election and cultural landscape.  总的来说, the board meetings went very well.

DOF/VPAA布雷斯林在报告的最后指出,他刚刚从东北部回来 Deans conference held at Wellesley College this week.  He reminded everyone that the 东北学院院长会议汇集了25-35所最负盛名的学院院长 liberal arts colleges in the northeast.  After talking with the deans and learning 谈到其他文理学院正在经历的困境,他感到自豪 of what we do at Skidmore.


Denise Smith教授代表学院执行委员会宣读了以下内容 Motion that was introduced at the last Faculty Meeting (请看附呈):

运动:  学院执行委员会建议采用《火博体育》.  以下链接将带您前往2016-2017年教师手册(显示跟踪变化) as well as handbooks from previous years: http://apps.zizhanggui.com/dof-vpaa/faculty-handbooks.php

There being no discussion, the Motion was voted on and passed by majority vote.


There was no new business.


教育政策和规划委员会主席April Bernard领导了一项研究 discussion on the proposed new general education 课程.  她介绍了成员 委员会成员:凯利·谢泼德副教授、学院图书管理员玛尔塔·布伦纳、 Janet Sorensen副教授,Erica Bastress-Dukehart副教授,Henry Jaffe ’18, and Nicole Werner ‘18.  Professor Bernard started the discussion by reviewing 到目前为止,火博体育拟议的通识教育所做的工作的时间表 课程.  Professor Bernard indicated that CEPP hopes to bring a motion to approve 新的通识教育课程将在十二月份提交教职员审议 或者在早春.  

Thereafter, DOF/VPAA Breslin opened the floor for discussion.
  • 接着就批准新的通识教育的程序进行了讨论 课程.  The faculty will be voting on the “framework”; once the framework of 通识教育课程通过后,将成立工作小组进行开发 individual requirements more clearly.
  • 随后就第一年经验的“邪恶”标签概念进行了讨论 课程.  Concern was voiced that clustering FYE 课程 with the “wicked problems” 当其他FYE课程不能聚类时,标签可能会使学生对或产生偏见 对他们.  Suggestion was made to retain the “notion” of clustering 课程 around a wicked problem but not label it as such.
  • 接下来的讨论是火博体育具体使用“邪恶的问题”这一措辞 这种综合学习似乎是以解决问题为模型的 in principal admits to a solution; a problem without a solution is not a problem.  此外,有人认为所有的经历都是“整合的”,而这种整合 不可预测地,随机地发生,通常发生在大学的最后两年 学生们有了一些基本的经验,他们开始看到经验 是uncharacterizable.   Further, it appears that the humanities requirements seems to have been diminished in the new 课程.  CEPP believes, however, that there 在通识教育课程中有几个地方可以找到人文学科吗 它的位置.
  • 一位教员表示,他们完全支持提议的通识教育 在几个方面都令人印象深刻,其中最引人注目的是综合教学 愿景.  Further, the 课程 is framing for the most part what faculty already 全球文化探究的表述是否很好地表述出来了.
  • 一位教师评论说,拟议的通识教育课程是肯定的 better than what we have now.  For years, CEPP has been trying to get cultural diversity into the 课程 and it is a huge hole in our current 课程.  大桥体验 is a step in the right direction to get cultural diversity in the 课程.
  • 我们特别讨论了桥梁经验中的“实验室”要求 权力与正义.  One faculty member indicated that the language is problematic and he is having difficulty connecting a lab to some of the 课程 he teaches.  CEPP 表明该成分对具体评估数据的响应表明显著 火博体育学生在知识领域实现学习目标的能力差距 about social and cultural diversity.  Further, CEPP indicated that it imagines the “实验室”指的是唐朝,图书馆,或者任何支持教室的东西 environment that allows students to look at things differently or advance ideas.
  • 一位教员建议,如果能有更清晰的表述,将会有所帮助 on the changes that are being proposed in the new 课程.  而一些要求 are clear, others are not, such as the AQR requirements.
  • 一位教员建议我们需要更具体地思考如何构建 全球文化探究作为我们社区的问题之一就是教师 不知道如何参与种族和身份问题,因此,他们怎么能被期待 教我们的学生.
  • 一位教员要求进一步明确这座桥的“实验室”部分 经验和询问是否会有评估,即“实验室”实习 is meeting the four requirements.  CEPP suggested that the working group would come up with the definition of what is acceptable for a “lab” requirement. 重要的 然而,对于教授这门课程的人来说,扩张是最自然的事情 这是学生拓展所学知识的另一个学分活动 in terms of 权力与正义.
  • 一位教员认为“实验”一词的使用不恰当 在桥接体验组件中,也许应该修改语言 to experiential risk-taking, a new way of looking at something.

一位教员和许多教员一样,起身要求暂停谈话 成员们因为其中一名成员的种族主义言论而感到被边缘化 的CEPP. She suggested that the comment made makes the idea of a “lab” in this kind of situation look arguably necessary in terms of global cultural inquiry.   成员 然后解释说,她的评论是讽刺的,被误解了.

在进一步讨论了桥梁体验的“实验室”部分之后, 这个问题叫做.  Thereafter, it was determined that a vote was not necessary to adjourn the conversation and the conversation concluded.

  • 助理教授Eric Morser宣布Skidmore Cares将于11月合作 收集物资捐赠给各种社区组织.  This year’s Skidmore Cares event will be held on December 2.  他鼓励任何人 能够捐款,在12月把它们放在斯克里布纳大厦外的雪橇上 2.
  • 特别项目主任保罗·卡尔霍恩,代表进步与唐,邀请 everyone to a reception at the Tang immediately following the faculty meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:47 p.m.


黛布拉L. 彼得森
Executive Administrative Assistant