






斯达德利校长总结了学院规划的好处. 她说 it defines our priorities and what we care most about; creates a shared message for self-understanding, pride, morale, faculty and student recruiting; lays a coherent foundation for fundraising; helps us make smart choices when choices have to be made; 让我们专注于最重要的事情.


伯曼院长报告说,他积极参与了规划过程. 整个夏天 he will continue his involvement with planning and will be developing background information 有必要在计划过程中做出决定. 他想要 形成一种结构,使我们能够有效地处理大问题,并做出 火博体育他们的决定.


Dean Berman said that IRC has been collecting data from faculty, staff and students. IRC目前正在提取数据,并将制定计划.

Susan Zappen has been updating IRC about copyright 问题s, which are very restrictive. IRC feels that a workshop will be needed at some future date to deal with this important 问题.

The cost of journals goes up steeply every year, and approximately 72 percent of the 图书馆的收购预算中,期刊占28%,书籍占28%. IRC希望电子期刊将来能取代印刷期刊. IRC 鼓励教师促进电子期刊的使用,以帮助他们 和印刷期刊一样有声望.

CITS主任Bret Ingerman向全体教员介绍了计算机库存情况:

There are 1,440 computers on campus of which 1,100 are primary (those that need to 定期升级).
Of those that are primary, 846 are in departments; 200 are in department labs; 195 均由国旅(公共货站)保管及控制.


CITS is deciding what is the best way to divide all of the departments into four cohorts 为了制定一个四年的替换计划.

FPPC主席Tom Denny教授报告了委员会的活动情况. 后 FPPC made its recommendation of key budget parameters to the Board, it learned that 学院获得了1900万美元的无限制遗产. 丹尼教授想 that an appropriate use of a large bequest would be to invest it and use the income for enhancing faculty salaries in order to gain ground with the group we compare ourselves to. 在未来,他希望看到FPPC警惕这些巨额资金 并在如何使用它们的讨论中发挥更大的作用. Denny教授收到 email from a colleague asking if faculty compensation is still a central core 价值 在大学里. 他说,他不确定学院是否还在努力赚钱 在教员薪酬方面,与比较组的差距较大.

Professor Una Bray said that she has heard rumors that 火博体育大学 will no longer 将其与CWWCO名单进行比较,并怀疑这个谣言是否属实. 她说 几年来,教师们一直得到加薪的承诺 我们比较组的等级. 她还想知道教员们是否会接受 FPPC和院长的年薪表.

Professor Denny stated that with the new Dean perhaps it hasn’t been pushed through 以正常的方式,但报告会完成的.

There was a question about whether the College expected the $19 million in unrestricted 遗赠. 丹尼教授认为是.


斯达德利校长解释说,这笔遗赠的钱,所指的反映不止于此 一年的资金,包括已经计入旅程活动收入的部分. 一些 是针对一个特定的目的,这是由捐助者决定的还是反映 捐赠人或家庭利益. 现在大部分都是不受限制的捐赠 资金,并根据优先事项,决定在哪里使用. 如果是遗赠 还没在禀赋中,它就在另一行产生了直接收入 经营预算和所产生的钱用于支付眼前的需要. 如果遗赠 into unallocated endowment, it can al方法 be allocated to a specific priority or simply 增加资金总量,实现重点目标.

She noted that Professor Denny did an extraordinary job of focusing FPPC's attention 关注本年度的重大问题,关注FPPC的大局,以及 确定具体的支出和收入领域,仔细追求..

The faculty compensation question (as a core 价值) continues to be a top institutional 价值. 这是学院试图最大化的长期目标之一 机构的健康状况. 共同制定战略计划和决策 about faculty compensation and other important priorities for the future will be made 和共享. 我们观察的这所学校的学生群体没有变化. 它是 hard to gain ground against colleges who have bigger endowments and who are getting 丰富的快. 火博体育可能会取得进展,但我们必须一起想办法 要做到这一点.


President Studley said that strategic planning is moving along well, and IPC has received 来自校园各地的好点子,帮助我们实现优先目标. 额外的想法 are still welcome, especially from key committees and programs that reflect special 视角. IPC将这些想法融入到经常性战略建议中 会与校园共享吗. IPC将在若干方面落实这些建议 方法. 必要的背景资料将被开发,使校园和 IPC可以看到后果、联系和成本. 将寻求初步建议 并结合起来创造出更好更有效的前进方式.

IPC正在解决几个大问题. 有很多建设性的反馈 收到了火博体育工作目标的报告,IPC是否会修改目标并与大家分享. We 需要明确地处理:

  • 学术卓越及其与评估的关系.
  • 多样性是什么意思.
  • 目标3的清晰解释. 紧密结合学习与生活的要素 学生经历)
  • 财务平衡——将目标与财务方向和预算联系起来.

Professor Mehmet Odekon reported that the Committee on Faculty Governance (CFG) convened 在2000-01学年,委员会中委员会获两次委任. 以下 committees were represented: 招生 and Financial 援助, All-College Council, College 福利、CAFR、CAPT、CEPP、CFG、课程、FPPC和IPC. 以下问题是 讨论:

  • The committees reported that their relationship with the administration has been cordial.
  • In a broader sense, however, committees reported various structural problems regarding 他们的业务. 问题因委员会而异:好几个委员会 questioned the impact the faculty had in the committee decision making process; for some, lack of continuity posed a problem in setting a long-term agenda for the committee; some committees questioned the flow and the clarity of information among committee members; for some committees, scheduling of 会议s with short notice and without 考虑到教员的日程安排是个问题.
  • The Committee of Committees is concerned with the perception of diminishing faculty voice and hopes that by increasing communication among committees, the faculty governance 制度将得到加强.
  • On behalf of the Committee of Committees, the CFG thanked the faculty, administrators, 2000-01年度在委员会任职的支援人员和学生.


Professor Odekon, presented the two motions that were introduced at the April 7 faculty 会议.

运动1: Replace "Vice President for Academic Affairs and 学院院长" in the membership EMAC(对外文学硕士委员会),ACC(全学院理事会), 和AC(体育委员会)在教师手册中由“学术副校长” 学院事务和院长或其指定人员."


动作2: 取代“学生事务主任”在运动员的成员语言 Council in the Faculty Handbook by "The Dean of 学生事务 or his/her designee."


Hugh Foley, on behalf of Curriculum Committee, presented the motion that was introduced 在2001年4月7日的教师会议上.


That 火博体育大学 create a Neuroscience major to replace the current Biology-Psychology 跨部门专业,如果该动议将被删除(生效日期:08/31/01) 传递.



  • For the Faculty Development Committee, Professor David Domozych announced that Professor John Anzalone is this year’s winner of the Ciancio Award for Excellence in Teaching.
  • 菲尔·博斯霍夫教授提醒全体教员,学术节即将开始 5月2日. 他感谢学术节策划委员会的成员、委员 of Periclean, Honors Forum, and SGA as well as John Biggers in Office Services, and Margo Pancerella. 他要求教师鼓励学生参加这些活动.

Professor Susan Kress, Chair of CAPT, read the following resolution on behalf of Charlotte 古德曼将在本学年结束时退休

解决了吗?, the faculty of 火博体育大学 expresses its profound appreciation and admiration for the following member of the Skidmore faculty who has this year expressed her determination 退休. 学院进一步决定,以下传记的亮点 列入2001年4月27日的教员会议记录,以示表彰 庆祝杰出的服务和成就. (见附件A.)

Professor Goodman was presented with a gift and the resolution was passed by acclamation.

Professor Sarah Goodwin announced that the faculty/staff reception would be held in 古德曼教授在萨里学院的荣誉紧接着是教员会议.

