

  • COVID-19重要信息
  • 学生入住期间的停车信息 
  • 在日历上标记创始人日 以及其他秋季活动



Although COVID-19 may no longer officially constitute a public health emergency, it is still 现在the College is remaining vigilant to help ensure that our community stays safe. 火博体育 强烈建议 updated vaccination for all community members 和 will host several vaccine clinics 这 fall.

Sam Haas '24 和 Oliver Wilson '23 participate in the NASA DEVELOP program at the Billie Tisch Center for Integrated Sciences

火博体育 is the first liberal arts college to host a pop-up research hub within NASA’s prestigious DEVELOP program, 与学生 协助 New York state l和 preservation work through GIS data analysis. 


人力资源 邀请感兴趣的火博体育员工参加 提交 application materials for the openings listed below:




申请,请访问 Okta门户. Click on the tile for “Oracle HCM,” click “Me,” 和 then click on “Current Jobs."你可以访问目前的空缺职位 这里的外部申请者.


莎拉day o ' connell professor of music, lectured at a music festival 和 had an article published in an 在线 magazine. Read more>> 


莎拉素质 Jason Ohlberg associate professors of dance, were invited 现在ers at a conference. Read more>>


尼克Junkerman, associate professor of English, published an article in a scholarly journal. Read more>>


蒂莫西·芒罗, director of campus safety, was named president of the Northeast Colleges & 大学保安协会. Read more>>


罗伯特ParkeHarrison艺术教授, 和我们的 哈里森公园将展出 他们的艺术作品 在瑞士苏黎世.

我们欢迎 提交 from faculty 和 staff related to professional accomplishments 和 scholarly endeavors.


Hours for 的 Spa, Burgess, 的 Atrium, Murray-Aikins Dining Hall are available on the 餐饮服务网站. Academic year hours for Murray-Aikins Dining Hall begin on 星期六,9月. 2. 的 Spa will be closed for Labor Day but will reopen for dining service on Tuesday, Sept. 9月5日(星期五)晚上5点. 8. Burgess will be open for limited hours on Labor Day 和 resume regular fall hours on Sept. 5. Murray-Aikins Dining Hall will close after lunch (3 p.m.), 9月11日(星期二. 5,创始人日. 庆典上将供应晚餐. 


Parking, traffic information during student arrivals  

学生们将于8月8日星期四开始到校. 31, 影响校园交通和停车. Employees are asked to avoid the North Broadway entrance 和 use the Clinton Street entrance between 8 和 10 a.m. 8月4日. 9月31日,星期日. 3. 的 CDTA bus stop will be temporarily relocated to outside Williamson Sports Center 8月4日. 我将在那里呆到下午2点.m. 周日,9月. 3. 8月11日星期四. 9月31日,星期日. 3, the Jonsson Tower, Wait, the west half of Case 很多会 早上7点之间不向员工开放.m. 下午12:30.m. Zankel 和 the north end of West parking 很多会 be closed through the evening. 的 Williamson Sports Center parking lot will be closed on 周日,9月. 3. 帕蒙特,福斯塔夫,唐, 北大厅, e西部的尽头, and艺术广场B停车场将继续开放. 请联系 校园安全 了解更多信息. 



的 entire 火博体育 campus community is invited to join in celebration of the start of the fall semester with family-friendly fun at the Founder’s Day Picnic on Tuesday, Sept. 5、从下午4:30到6:30.m. 在上南方公园的帐篷下. 除了美味的食物, the event will feature music for all ages 和 fun for the kids, 包括弹跳屋. Note that the dining hall will be closed during 这 time.



的 first staff 和 教师会议s of the 2023-24 academic year will be held on Sept. 8. 员工会议将在下午一点举行.m. 的 教师会议 将在下午3:30举行.m. 在Murray-Aikins餐厅的二楼 然后放大. 更多细节将在下周公布.



马克·C总裁. Conner 和 Barbara Reyes-Conner invite you 和 your guest to attend an Opening Reception at Scribner House from 3:30 to 7 p.m. 9月5日星期五. 8. Mark your calendars 和 plan to stop by to welcome new faculty 和 staff to 火博体育大学.


Orli,一款新的亚马逊delivery option 

亚马逊(Amazon)最近在购物中心安装了非接触式储物柜 凯斯学院中心的装货码头, which will be open 24/7 和 can be used for personal 以及业务交付. When checking out, choose “more delivery options” 和 click 亚马逊储物柜-奥利. 如果你的手机上有亚马逊的应用程序,y我们的储物柜门会在接近时打开. 请去火博体育书店看看 邮局职员索取更多资料. 



下午2点到3点到斯克里布纳图书馆.m. 8月4日. 31, 参观图书馆的新创意走廊, learn about new library resources 和 changes to the website, 与图书管理员和工作人员聊天, 吃点零食. 



Please note the ice cream social is now scheduled for 1:30 to 3 p.m. 9月3日. 27. Join the Office of Advancement on the patio outside Burgess Café, 来庆祝夏天的结束. Gluten-free 和 dairy-free options will also be available.



所有的物idence 大厅 公寓楼将 在比赛期间收到一个蓝色的堆肥收集箱 第一周的课程. Register your department for the program by filling out form. 了解更多火博体育 火博体育的堆肥项目 在线 或通过 联系 堆肥经理.

Tuition benefit 和 学费交换计划 session 

招生办工作人员, 金融援助, 人力资源 will lead a workshop that will address admission 和 financial aid requirements 和 offer an overview of the 学费交换计划 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. 9月4日. 28日,在爱默生礼堂. 的 session should be particularly helpful to 火博体育 employees with high school age dependents who plan to apply for 火博体育's internal or external tuition benefit programs, 包括 学费交换计划.



A火博体育社区 members are welcome to the 唐氏教学博物馆 during public gallery hours: from noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday-Sunday. (的 Tang is open for extended hours on Thursday until 9 p.m.) Faculty may arrange class visits outside public gallery hours by contacting 雷切尔·塞利格曼.



Requests for updates to departmental webpages should be 提交 to webteam@zizhanggui.com 并按照收到的顺序进行处理. A large volume of requests is currently being processed; please plan accordingly. 对管理感兴趣的部门 自己的网页内容应该联系 火博体育的网络团队 培训.



的re are now 100 works available for 火博体育 students to borrow for the academic year. 访问”ROOM•MATE 2023:与唐艺术共存,” 通过9月. 8. “设置文本9月11日星期六上映. 2. Organized by Associate Professor of English Paul Benzon in conjunction with his Scribner Seminar “Weird Books,展览 探讨了 以创造性和批判性的方式印刷材料. 电梯音乐47:Xenometok 为互利共生九月开幕. 2 和 探讨了 the tension between attachment to 这 world 和 longing for an afterlife. Organized by Malloy Curator 雷切尔·塞利格曼 with Associate Professor of Asian Studies Benjamin Bogin, the exhibition is in conjunction with the exhibition “觉醒的形式.” 


火博体育每周简报提交程序 和进度  

Please help reduce bulk emails by posting your announcement in 火博体育 Weekly Bulletin, 分发给所有学生和员工. 提交 公告和活动学术讲座教职员工的成就 通过完成 适当的在网上 form. 所有提交的截止日期是周一中午. 请电子邮件 swb@zizhanggui.com 如果你有问题. 



A火博体育社区 members, including students, staff, faculty, retirees, alumni, 是否符合教育收费的资格 在火博体育商店. 的 Shop还有 演示机器 购买有进一步折扣. E雇员也有资格获得利息无融资. 详情请联系 火博体育商店. 


星期四,9月. 7 

6 p.m. 

ROOM•MATE: Living with Tang Art Preview Party & 会话信息 



星期五,9月. 8 

8 p.m. 




星期六,9月. 9 

9 a.m. 

ROOM•MATE: Living with Tang Art接送日 





