News and announcements from 火博体育大学



  • Women’s tennis team wins 12th straight Liberty League title 
  • Visions and Values Project feedback sought  
  • Congratulations to the winners of this year’s Student Leadership Awards 
  • 来自暑期住房、邮局和其他办公室的重要年终提醒 


Meet Skidmore’s new Counseling Center director, Robert Cardom

卡多姆描述了他的团队的工作,以及火博体育大学不断增加的心理健康和健康资源, w在这里 support for mental health is woven into the fabric of campus life.



Photo essay: Books, blooms, a busy spring semester

Campus is bustling with academic, athletic, community experiences. 即便如此,火博体育社区还是抽出时间来享受春天的美景.


女子网球队 won its 12th straight Liberty League title 4月30日,周日,康奈尔大学5-2战胜了瓦萨学院. 本周末,纯种马队将连续第16次参加NCAA三级锦标赛. 这支球队将在第一轮再见,并将在周六迎战德鲁/亨特的胜者, 5月6日, 在明德学院. A win would send the team to the regional final on May 7. 

在其他 体育新闻周五上午,赛艇队将在鱼溪举行自由联盟锦标赛. 的 first race starts at 8 a.m. 周六,这支棒球队将在主场与克拉克森队进行自由联盟三局三胜制的交叉比赛. 的 first game is at noon and will be followed by Game 2. If necessary, a third game will take place at noon on Sunday. 的 winner moves on to the league Final Four. 


Professional development, events, training, other opportunities 


欲了解更多信息,包括注册细节和机会的完整列表,请访问 Professional Development and Training website.

Faculty-Staff Achievements

我们欢迎 提交 从教职员工相关的专业成就和学术努力.

保罗Benzon他在哈特威克学院(Hartwick College)发表了一年一度的巴布科克讲座. Read more>>


芭芭拉黑他是牛津大学的英语教授,也是艺术与文学的蒂施教授,对牛津参考书目有贡献. Read more>>


希瑟·赫斯特她是人类学副教授,曾在一部法国纪录片中亮相. Read more>>


南希的baut, assistant professor of art history, 获得了下一学年赴法国的富布赖特奖学金. She also published a scholarly article. Read more>>


克里斯Vecsey, associate professor and director of the Neuroscience Program, 在东北神经科学本科生/研究生研究组织(NEURON)会议上获奖. Read more>> 


Reception for Michael Orr

马克·康纳校长诚挚地邀请您参加一个招待会,以表彰学院院长兼学术事务副校长迈克尔·T. Orr immediately following the faculty meeting on 周三, May 17. A toast and brief remarks will be held at 12:15 p.m. 在甘尼特大堂. Refreshments and light fare will be served.


Information regarding possible RA/CA unionization  

国家劳工关系委员会已经批准了服务雇员国际工会(SEIU)和火博体育学院之间的协议,进行选举,以确定担任住宿助理(RAs)和社区助理(CAs)的学生是否希望加入工会. 选举将于中午至下午2点在威科夫中心会议室举行.m. 从3点到7点.m. 5月9日,星期二. 截至4月14日,所有被积极聘用为住宿助理或社区助理的火博体育学生, 2023, 有资格投票. Additional information, including latest messages and new FAQs, may be 看这里.


的 Office of the 第一年的经验 announces summer reading   

2027届的暑期读物是石黑一雄的《火博体育官网》. This text explores what it means to be human, 好奇心, 学习, 和知识, as well as artificial intelligence. 即将入学的学生、同行导师和斯克里布纳研讨会的教员将获得这本书的副本. 联系 第一年的经验 了解更多信息.


Fiscal Year-End Reminders from Financial Services 

请检查 these detailed guidelines ahead of the close of the fiscal year on May 31. You are encouraged to submit expense reimbursements, 付款发票, related items in advance of the deadlines. As a reminder, all transactions are handled through Oracle Cloud.


Reminder from the Skidmore 邮局 

学生应在离校前领取包裹并清理邮箱. 夏季收到的任何包裹和信件都将退还给寄件人. 学生  

staying on campus or in the local area over the summer must complete 这种形式 to keep their mailbox during the summer. For more information, contact the 邮局.


Williamson Sports Center main entrance to be closed 

因为麦卡弗里-瓦格曼网球和健康中心的新建设, 从周一开始,通往威廉姆森体育中心的主要人行道将关闭, 5月15日, 直到8月中旬. A temporary entrance will be located on the west side of the building. Follow signage to access the building.



的 campus chiller plant is now up and running and ready for use. 将根据室外气温情况,根据需要设置空调. 联系 设施 了解更多信息.  


Reunion student assistant positions 

的 Office of Alumni Relations and College 事件 has 临时工作 开口 for students (16 to 23 years old) for Alumni Reunion Weekend, June 1-4. Please apply online by May 19. 联系 詹尼斯Petroski 了解更多信息.



请浏览 餐饮服务网站 定期更新, Spa特价, hours of operation, other information. 



Textbook Buyback begins 周五,可能 5, runs through Monday, 5月15日. 工作时间是早上8点半。.m. 到下午3:30.m.  

Visions and Values Project: Seeking Feedback  

总统康纳邀请校园社区的所有成员提供他们的想法和反思火博体育什么是独特的,并通过定义火博体育火博体育学院 这个反馈表格. 该表格包括五个开放式问题,这些问题既具有反思性,又具有启发性和前瞻性. 回应将有助于通知学院的下一个战略规划过程,我们确认, 在一起, our values and our shared vision for Skidmore. 的 form will remain open until 周三, May 10. Responses are confidential, 尽管受访者将被要求确定他们在火博体育的主要角色.


Updates on search for general counsel and VP for human resources

寻找总法律顾问/人力资源副总裁的工作仍在继续,目前已进入半决赛阶段. Following semi-finalist interviews, 遴选委员会将确定最终入围者,并邀请他们到校园与遴选委员会和其他选区进行会面和面谈, including the Appointments and Tenure Committee, 总统内阁, Board of Trustee representatives, 人力资源领导. Following the same model as other recent vice presidential searches, 我们还将安排公开的保密论坛,让我们的社区有机会与候选人互动并向他们提问. Details regarding time and location will be shared as soon as available. Updated information will continue to be posted 在这里.


Student summer housing applications due Friday

学生 wishing to live on campus this summer must apply by this 周五,可能 5. 房屋分配将以先到先得的方式优先分配. For more information, contact 夏天住房.


Give+Go Move-Out Donation Collection   

U-Haul箱捐赠站将于5月8日(星期一)至5月21日(星期日)老年人搬出日开放. 这项倡议每年为非营利合作伙伴提供超过10吨的闲置物品和食物. 学生可以 访问网站 有关捐款详情. Staff, faculty, students are 受邀成为志愿者 to sort donations on Sunday, May 21. For more information, contact Jen Natyzak.


Workforce Team Challenge registration extended

Work Force Team Challenge will take place on Thursday, May 18, in Albany. Register online by Monday, May 8. 要参与,请选择Skidmore作为您的团队并填写所有必需的信息. Do not pay for your cart; Skidmore’s team captain, 达伦Drabek, will manage the payments. 联系 达伦Drabek or 瑞秋Roe-Dale 了解更多信息,包括拼车和赛后庆祝活动的细节.


Student Leadership Awards 

Congratulations to the winners of this year’s Student Leadership Awards: Aymon Langlois '23 and Luna Peralta '23 (Rodney D. Andrews Prize); Ishani Chakravorty '24 and Vicky Grijalva '24 (Barbara Hume Memorial Award); Garrett Marino '23, Issy Mejia '23 and Iti Singh '23 (Katherine Rozendaal Citizenship Award); Shayna Cohen '24 (Sara Bennett '92 Memorial Prize for Leadership in Student Journalism); and Arham Hashmi '23 and Aliza Nazir '23 (Jane Hapeman Distinguished Service Award).



Skidmania 73,计划于11月举行. 17-18, will offer an exciting and inclusive bill of music and musicians, with all proceeds going to charity. Auditions featuring the hits of 1973 will be held in the fall. For more information, visit the Skidmania网站.


Skidmore 每周公报 submission procedure 

请通过在公告中发布您的公告来帮助减少大量电子邮件. 提交 announcements and events, 学术讲座, faculty-staff achievements by completing the appropriate online form. 的 deadline for all 提交 is noon on Monday. 请电子邮件 如果你有问题. 



3-4:30 p.m.  

青少年展 Opening and Artists Talk




6 p.m.

MDOCS Golden Acorn Awards ceremony  



周三, 5月3日至 周五,可能 12 

11 a.m. 到下午4点.m. 




Thursday, May 4 to Sunday, May 7 




9 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. 

Symposium in honor of Ray Giguere and Judy Halstead 




Beach Volleyball Tournament with Free S'Mores

Northwoods Village (Volleyball Court)


Monday, May 8 to Thursday, May 11 





Senior 的sis Exhibition  







6-8 p.m.  

Senior 的sis Art Exhibition Opening Reception








Saratoga Performing Arts Center




 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866


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