American Studies Department



AM 101W 001 Growing Up in America

塔米•欧文斯 | 4个学分

GretaTunberg, children protesting, and Euphoria poster

学生将学习美国童年的历史,以了解主要的社会、文化、 political, and economic changes in the U.S. have defined the nation's culture. 学生 will gain a better understanding of how our ideas and beliefs about what it means 成为美国人的经历影响了我们对童年的看法,也影响了孩子的角色 children and young adults in shaping our world. 学生 will examine a diverse mix 来源包括文学、档案文件、电影、音乐和社交媒体.

Note(s): Fulfills Humanistic Inquiry and Expository Writing requirements.

AM 101W 002 Rise and Fall of the New Deal

亚伦Pedi不ti | 4个学分


本课程向学生介绍学科参数和方法 American Studies via a semester-long engagement with a major topic in 20th 一个世纪的美国历史,最近开始在当代公众中凸显出来 论述:大萧条时期联邦政府的一系列计划和改革 作为新政. Throughout the course, the New Deal will serve as a practice object 运用美国研究的概念、模型和实证方法来理解 历史话题. 学生 will learn about basic approaches within the field, 将它们应用到新政的分析中,并在此过程中获得能够 be used in the analysis of other historical eras as well as contemporary culture. 除了学习历史,治理哲学和经济思想 为新政项目提供了信息,学生们将了解这些复杂的方法 新政已经成为历史记忆的一个标志,也是一个有争议的政治问题 signifier in the decades since its occurrence.


AM 221 Methods and Approaches

丽贝卡Krefting | 4个学分


介绍美国研究,学术,方法和方法 study of society and culture in the United States. Course materials include "classics" 以及最近的学术研究:"神话与象征" 学派,文化概念,精神分析方法论,新文学和女权主义 评论,物质文化和口述历史资源,大众和流行文化分析, with attention to issues of race, gender, class, and ethnicity throughout. 目的 本课程的目的是为学生提供各种机会来提高他们的分析能力, 从跨学科和史学的角度研究和写作技巧. Required of majors and minors in their sophomore or junior years.

AM 261C Gaming in American Culture

亚伦Pedi不ti | 3学分


本课程探讨电子游戏对美国社会的多重意义 并探讨了游戏实践的多种表现形式 在美国文化中. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, it examines gaming as a 在美国生活中产生深刻共鸣和影响的一系列社会文化习俗. 课程的文化导向部分侧重于游戏在电影中的表现, television shows, genre fiction, and in games themselves. 其他部分的重点是 the intertwinement of gaming with broader social, political, and economic issues. 这些问题包括民族、种族和性别代表性和多样性问题 in games; the relationship of game industries and online worlds to America's place in the global economy; the historical roles of gamic practices in US military planning and technological development; the increasing influence of online game communities and fan cultures in mainstream society; debates and moral panics over violence in games; and the potential role of games as educational, journalistic and persuasive 技术. Game genres studied in the course include console and pc-based videogames, war and strategy games, tabletop and massive multiplayer online RPGS, and virtual 现实游戏. Readings  include theoretical texts, game studies literature, historical 叙述电子游戏的出现和发展,以及文化和民族志 美国游戏研究. Evaluation is based on reading responses, participation, 和论文. Some experiential engagement with gaming is also part of the curriculum.

AM 261D Holocaust and American Culture

丹尼尔·内森 4个学分

Image from Holocaust Museum

This course has two emphases. 的 first third will focus on what Americans knew about 纳粹在20世纪30年代和40年代的种族灭绝政策,他们是如何以及何时知道的,以及 为什么美国.S. government and Jewish leaders were mostly ineffective in halting or mitigating the murder of some six million European Jews (among others). 它还将考虑 the initial American reaction to learning about the Nazi death camps in 1945. 的 其余三分之二的课程将采用跨学科的方法 对各种文本-电影(纪录片和故事片)进行评论并置于语境中 电视连续剧,图形非小说,博物馆-由美国人创造并为代表 the Shoah ("the catastrophe"). 的 course will engage issues related to power and 正义. It will probe the ways in which those in power in the United States did less than they could or might have done to save thousands of European Jews. 它也会 想想流行文化教给人们火博体育过去和社会的教训的力量吧 正义. Ultimately, the class is about the power of remembering and representing the past, and the perils and possibilities that are part of those processes.


AM 351D 001 Black Feminist Thought

塔米•欧文斯 | 4信用

Images from Black Feminist Culture

黑人女性主义思想——考察黑人女性主义的发展与物化 thoughts within historical, social, political, and cultural contexts. 跨学科 重点是通过电影、流行文化、 manifestos, literary texts, archives, and theoretical and historical essays. 此外, 本课程将讨论黑人女权主义和黑人女性的概念是如何重叠的 并根据用来表达它们的表达方式而分化.

AM 351D 002 的 Funny Thing 火博体育 History

丽贝卡Krefting 4个学分

Men in Funny Positions with Yellow Background

本课程侧重于单口喜剧的史学或历史研究 writings about stand-up comedy spanning from the mid-20th 从世纪到现在. We will critically examine how the history of stand-up comedy 谁来写,哪些漫画会被记住,这样的历史是怎样的 are gendered and raced, and the politics of editing. 学生 will conduct original 研究在特定时期重新书写单口喜剧的历史,重点是 以下力量塑造喜剧:俱乐部/场所,经济,性别政治,喜剧 styles, racial/ethnic humor, 技术, and audience. 


AM 356体育电影院

Jeffrey Segrave4个学分

Image of the film set of Rocky

这门课把背景和评论火博体育体育的故事片和纪录片 从美学上、历史上、文化上理解和欣赏各种各样的东西 经历和问题. 的 course is also intended to enhance visual literacy, and thus students will assess the films 作为电影, which have theur own codes and conventions. As one would expect, most of the fims we will study were made the set in the United States. A 不able exception in Leni 瑞芬斯塔尔 奥林匹亚 (1938), which chronicles and celebrates the 1936 Berlin Olympic games. 我们将进行筛选 several "classic" sport films – among them, 还有花花公子Rockne – 所有的美国 (1940), 愤怒的公牛 (1980)和 篮球梦 (1994). 春假结束后,我们会将一部好莱坞故事片与一部相关纪录片配对: so, for example, Ken Carlson's 去老虎! (2001),是火博体育俄亥俄州马西隆的高中足球,将与 彼得·伯格的 《火博体育官网》 (2004). 关键是 不 表明纪录片提供了一个更准确的体育现实版本; 相反,它是考虑哪些不同类型的视觉文本,语法和话语 do well (and poorly) and how they interact with and enhance one a不her. 学生 are required to attend a weekly evening film screening.

AM 362 American Autobiography

丹尼尔·内森 | 3学分


通过记录的特定人物的生活来考察美国文化 在自传中. 本课程探讨 autobiographies. 本课程探讨 autobiography both as an act of self-creation and as a reflection of culture. 各种各样的 人们审视自传是因为它揭示了选择、危机、价值观、 以及美国过去特定时期代表人物的经历.

注:美国研究的300级课程通常不向一年级学生开放 students except by permission of the instructor.